Faro del Mayab

New Merida hospital will have robots in the operating room

Faro del Mayab
Hospital Faro del Mayab is due to open in September 2019. Photo: Courtesy

Merida, Yucatan — The Hospital Faro del Mayab will use “surgical robots” as part of its high-tech approach to medical care.

The high-tech side of Faro del Mayab was part of the focus of a recent announcement heralding a partnership with the Monterrey-based Christus Muguerza health system. The decades-old Catholic organization will be in charge of bringing new technology to Merida’s seventh private hospital.

Christus Muguerza specializes in medical tourism options, which will also help position Faro del Mayab’s business focus once it opens in September.

The general director of Christus Muguerza, Horacio Garza, said Merida’s astounding growth attracted his organization to Faro del Mayab.

“We want to be in the best cities, we want to be part of this honorable city, this wonderful region,” he said.

In addition, he said that both institutions share the same values ​​and seek to position themselves as an entity of excellence, as well as their interest in carrying out community activities.

“The shareholders (of Faro) have always put their financial results back into the work of the company,” he said.

The president of the Faro del Mayab hospital council, Juan José Ramírez, said the new hospital is a 900-million-peso joint venture.

Once in operation, it will have the capacity to attend up to 120,000 emergencies a year, and provide more than 300,000 consultations of all medical specialties, with a staff of bilingual doctors, according to Jorge Marcos Martínez, Faro del Mayab general director.

Christus Muguerza has hospitals and cancer-treatment centers in the north of the country, and works in the area of ​​genetic medicine. This is its first venture in southern Mexico.

José Ambrosio Muguerza Crespo (1858 – 1939) was a Mexican-born entrepreneur and philanthropist who is best known for founding one of Mexico’s most important healthcare facilities, Muguerza Hospital, in 1934. It merged with Christus Health Systems in 2001 and formed the largest health care system in northern Mexico.

Faro del Mayab will provide highly specialized health services not only to Yucatan’s residents but also patients from other states or other countries.

Yucatan’s state tourism department has been working to position the region as a benchmark for national and international medical tourism.

Hospital Faro del Mayab will create more than 200 direct jobs, initially, and will have the latest technology in its 55 examination rooms and five operating rooms.

According to ProMexico and Patients Beyond Borders, Mexico ranks second in international medical tourism and receives 1.2 million visitors on average annually, bringing over 5 billion pesos into the economy.

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