Newspaper photographer’s exhibit follows stints in Merida and Mideast

Merida, Yucatan — Former La Jornada photojournalist Rodrigo Díaz Guzmán spread his wings, but has returned to Yucatan for his first-ever exhibition.
Díaz’s flight from Merida took him to the Middle East. Packing his camera and a backpack, he captured scenes of everyday street life there “because there are already many images of war and in this country (Mexico) there is peace …”
After a month in Jordan and three weeks in Turkey, he returned to Yucatan and compared the photos he took with his earlier work set in Merida.
The result is “De La Jornada a la Jornada,” which opens at the Alianza Francesa today at 8 p.m. He doesn’t personally call the show an exhibit. “Art is for sharing and this is a party to share my work,” he says.
Rodrigo was a photographer for La Jornada Maya for three and-a-half years. He quit that job and went abroad six months ago.
Compared to working on assignment, his time in the Middle East “was more like what I was doing when I was 15 years old, without looking for anything specific, only to portray for the sake of pleasure. “
Images of the Middle East were taken in Amman and Wadi Musa, in Jordan, and Istanbul, in Turkey.
After this exhibition, Díaz Guzmán plans to live in Mexico City to continue pursuing photography. He doesn’t know if he has an actual career in photography. “If not, there is always the guitar,” he jokes.
Source: La Jornada Maya

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