No more patients at convention center’s COVID hospital

The Siglo XXI convention center was transformed in July into a makeshift hospital as Yucatan prepared for more coronavirus patients. Photo: File

The makeshift hospital built at the Siglo XXI convention center has admitted no new coronavirus patients in 24 hours and is empty for the first time since it opened in July.

Yucatan Gov. Mauricio Vila Dosal, himself convalescing from coronavirus, announced the good news on social media.

Hospitalizations have gradually declined since mid-summer when over 600 coronavirus-related hospitalizations overwhelmed Yucatan’s medical infrastructure. The provisional hospital has 490 beds including 52 equipped with ventilators.

Hospitalizations declined by five on Friday to reach 148. Five new deaths and 55 infections were reported by state health authorities, indicating a steady decline that began Monday.

“Let’s keep going without letting our guard down, taking care of each other and complying with all health protocols so that we keep moving forward always,” the governor said.

As of Friday, 21,438 people in Yucatán have been infected with COVID and 2,513 have lost their lives.

After a critical point in August when 836 deaths were reported, September’s fatalities totaled 306. With one day to go, October’s deaths so far totaled 210.

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