On home electric bills, summer discounts ending

Mérida, Yucatán — The Federal Electricity Commission, better known as the CFE, has announced the end of summer savings.
The summer discount, which applies to 808,624 homes in Yucatán, went into early fall because of the region’s hot weather.
The federal agency urged residents to be more mindful of their electric usage to avoid a shock — from the next CFE bill.
Since July, the state consumed 349,760 megawatt hours of electricity, reports the CFE.
The CFE subsidy saves an average household 30 percent on its bills.
The summer rate subsidy began last April, when temperatures normally begin to rise.
The Federal Prosecutor’s Office, Profeco, is accepting complaints from consumers who feel their CFE bills are out of bounds. Here are your rights as a CFE customer.
Profeco helps consumers understand how to read their bills, which spell out each customer’s power usage and how they were charged.
The subsidy granted by the CFE is based on the minimum consumption measure of 25 kilowatts per household, divided into three types: basic, intermediate and surplus.

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