Our 2018 Guide to New Year’s Eve in Yucatán is updated again
We surveyed area restaurants and resort destinations that have something special for New Year’s Eve. All require reservations. We will continue to update the following list as we receive new information.
Mérida Centro
Four-course meal, 1,200 pesos, starting at 8 p.m.
Parque Santa Lucia, Calle 60 and 55; 999-923-1979
Hermana Republica
Four-course dinner, live music, open bar (national brands and Patito beer), 990 pesos. Call before Dec. 20 and get 10 percent off.
Calle 64 and 55; 999-968 5139
K’u’uk Restaurant
Three courses, a glass of sparkling wine and live music, 1,800 pesos for adults, 550 pesos children under 12.
Calle 58A between 27 and 27A; 999 944 3377
Mercado 60
Right in the heart of the city, Mercado 60 has nothing if not variety and a young energy. The price per person in the general area is 350 pesos in advance and 400 pesos at the door. They will also have a VIP area with a free pre-sale bar at 1,000 pesos in advance, 1,500 pesos at the door. Live music. Read our story about them here.
Calle 60 between 53 and 51; 999-429-5339; info@mercado60.com;
Three-course dinner, including two cups of wine, grapes, starting at 8 p.m. Music supplied by deejay.
Hotel Mérida, Calle 60 at 57; 999-429-5386
Rosas & Xocolate
One of the most recognized boutique hotels in Mérida. A five-course gourmet menu, welcome cocktail per person plus a bottle of imported sparkling wine at midnight. A three-course menu with soft drinks and juices for the kids. Live music and fireworks. 2,550 pesos.
Paseo de Montejo at Calle 41; 999-924-2992
Mérida Hotel Zone
Fiesta Americana
Ttraditional New Year’s Eve dinner, including welcome cocktail, canapés, open bar and buffet dinner. Adults 2,080 pesos; 900 pesos children.
Paseo de Montejo by Av. Colón, Mérida; 999-942-1111
Holiday Inn
Buffet dinner at the restaurant La Veranda 520 pesos for adults, 235 pesos children, drinks not included. Dinner dance, buffet and open bar, live music for 1,650 pesos adults, and 820 pesos children.
Av. Colón at Paseo de Montejo, Mérida; 999-942-8800
Hyatt Regency
Traditional buffet 1,699 pesos, for children 849.50 pesos. SOLD OUT
Av. Colón at Calle 60, Mérida; 999-942-1234
The Coast
Costa Club
Gala dinner on the seashore. Adult 850 pesos, children 650 pesos. Live music and open bar.
Km. 4 Yucalpetén, Progreso; Tel. 969-935-4024
Hotel Xixim
Buffet gala dinner, live music and end with the famous burning of the Old Year on the beach, plus a bonfire and a toast. Adults 1,300 pesos, children 750 pesos.
Calle 12 antigua Carretera Sisal s/n, Rancho Santa Cruz de Xixim, Celestún; 988-916-2100; info@hotelxixim.com
Saboreando Comida India (Savoring Indian Food)
Live music and dancing starting at 7 p.m.
Calle 21 # 132-L x 64 y 66, Progreso; 969-103-0589
Casa Hamaca/Xoco Loco Restaurant
Choice of red or white wine, appetizer, entrée, dessert with coffee or tea, and an after-dinner tequila, mezcal or xtabentun. Cash bar. 6-8 p.m. 800 pesos per couple, 450 pesos per person. Reserve before Dec. 28.
Parque San Juan, Calle 49 #202-A between 40 and 42; 985-100-4270
Hacienda Chichén
The mysterious archaeological site at Chichén Itzá sounds like a logical place to enter the new year. Hacienda Chichén offers gourmet gala menu at $64 USD per adult; for children, $24 USD.
Carretera Mérida-Puerto Juárez Km. 120, Zona Hotelera de Chichen Itza; 999-920 8407; info@haciendachichen.com
Hacienda Misné
Hacienda Misné buffee 720 pesos per adult, 365 pesos per child.
Calle 19 172, Misné, Mérida; 999-940-7150; recepcion@haciendamisne.com.mx
Hacienda Santa Cruz
A special New Year’s menu has a fixed price of 1,110 pesos per adult, 550 pesos under 12. Deejay provides music.
Calle 86 s / n, exit 2 Dzununcán, Santa Cruz Palomeque; 999-254-0541 / 999-911-9233
Hacienda Teya
Special three-course dinner is 2,018 pesos per adult, 900 pesos per child, live music, open bar.
Carretera Mérida – Cancún Km 12.5; 999-988-0800
Hacienda Ticum
Special menu, including a glass of wine, and a glass of Champagne for the midnight countdown, 790 pesos per adult, 390 pesos for children.
Km 1.5 Carretera Ekmul- Ruinas de Ake; 999-330-6674; info@hotelhaciendaticum.com
Hacienda Xcanatún
Amuse bouche followed by three courses, glass of sparkling wine, and live music. The traditional 12 grapes, and a screening of the big apple dropping at Times Square, 1,650 pesos. No children’s menu.
Calle 20 S/N. Comisaría Xcanatún. Km. 12 Carretera Mérida-Progreso, Mérida; 999-930-2140
The Lodge at Uxmal
Special menu at one of the southernmost Mayaland resorts, $59 USD + VAT.
Km. 78 Mérida – Campeche road, Uxmal, Santa Elena; 800-719-5465
Mayaland Hotel & Bungalows Chichén Itzá
Gourmet menu in the heart of the archaeological site, $79 USD + VAT.
Highway Mérida Cancun, Km.120, Chichén Itzá; 800-719-5465

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