
Over 100,000 in 2 days apply for Yucatan state aid

Source: Punto Medio

Merida, Yucatan — The state program to boost the economy battered by coronavirus contingencies brought out over 100,000 Yucatecans seeking aid since Monday.

The vast majority of the programs that make up the State Plan to Boost the Economy, Jobs and Health of the Yucatecos has already blown though most of its budget, said Labor Undersecretary Agustín Menéndez Reyes.

As of 7 p.m. Tuesday, 103,518 residents applied to receive financial support from the state government. The most requested program was unemployment insurance, which received 63,904 applications.

Applications for other programs were also numerous:

  • Support for rural productive units and rural inputs: 742
  • Credit for micro and small entrepreneurs: 7,393
  • Support for workers in the fishing sector: 12,500
  • Credit for the agricultural and fishing sectors: 538
  • Line of credit for companies in strategic sectors: 250
  • Credits for companies: 1,406
  • Credits for women: 2,401
  • Financial and in-kind support: 1,770
  • Credits for people who are self-employed: 4,210
  • Financial support for business and craft activation: 1,525

A list of Yucatecans receiving unemployment insurance benefits will be published in the main print media, said the state official.

Yucatan’s online platform for support is still open, but it only receives applications for programs that still have a budget, which are: Support to the countryside (which has already received 6,059 applications), a program to protect employment in the tourism sector (371), support for land regularization (75) and support program for social housing (374).

Officials are being careful to spread out the benefits to as many people as possible by watching out for duplicate applications, said Menéndez Reyes.

Source: Punto Medio

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