Peña Nieto: Yucatecan brewery a ‘turning point’ for Mexico and investors

Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto ceremonially opens Yucatán’s new brewery on Monday. Photo: Facebook/Enrique Peña Nieto

Hunucmá, Yucatán — As Grupo Modelo on Monday launched a gigantic new brewery here, Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto declared a “turning point” in transforming the country into a “trustworthy destination” for investment.

Grupo Modelo, which is owned by Belgian multinational Anheuser-Busch InBev, allocated 8.5 billion pesos, or $443.7 million USD, to the new high-tech plant.

The project represents “the commitment of a world class beer company that saw Mexico as a trustworthy destination,” said Peña Nieto.

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For Yucatán, a rural state with a young population, the plant is a “turning point and of great relevance for the industrial sector,” the president said.

The Hunucmá industrial park, where the brewery as well as an adjacent canning factory was built, is “a great place to invest” thanks to its strategic geographic location, said Peña Nieto.  Later that day, the President visited a recently expanded industrial port from which Modelo’s beer will be shipped as far away as Africa

About 33 km away in Mérida, an international airport is used heavily by executives, a convenience which has not gone unnoticed by investors. There, a new terminal for private planes was recently initiated.

All that constitutes a “new push that will explode in the coming years,” the president said.

Currently, Mexico is the world’s fourth-largest beer producer and the No. 1 exporter of the product.

Source: EFE

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