Pigeons at Plaza Grande are dying since people stopped coming to feed them

A woman feeds hungry pigeons in Merida’s Plaza Grande. Photo: Facebook

Merida, Yucatan — Dead pigeons are being found at city’s main park, apparently unable to live without the people who used to feed them.

Parks in Merida are devoid of the large crowds that were common just two or three weeks ago, and the birds — who have become dependent on crumbs from caring people — are struggling.

On Facebook, a local woman named Cynthia, reported the problem, also noticing some pigeons in a weakened state.

Wearing some protection, a video of Cynthia showed her being surrounded by the birds as she tossed food on the sidewalk. The post was shared thousands of times.

“It is not for fun, it is more for helping humanity, I went to see the doctor and the pigeons followed me,” Cynthia wrote. “There are no people on the streets. Around the Plaza Grande there are many dead pigeons. Please be careful if you see them, they can’t fly as much because they don’t have much food. Remember that the pigeons were in the Plaza for us and they ate from our food scraps. Help with what you can and respect instead of criticizing.”

While many commenters were supportive and applauded her kindness, some others were cynical.

“The reality is that you are feeding flying rats, they are a plague in many cities,” wrote one, continuing, “yet the good heart is appreciated.”

Sources: Sipse, Facebook

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