Purse snatcher nabbed after alleged trash-day attack

Merida, Yucatan — Police quickly apprehended a purse snatcher who allegedly targeted an 81-year-old Centro woman who was taking out the trash.
Municipal Police of Mérida charged Felipe de Jesús “N” with grabbing a purse that contained nearly 10,000 pesos. The victim was taking bags of garbage to her curb in the middle of the afternoon when “N” apparently noticed her.
The sudden altercation took place this week on Calle 66 between 53 and 47-A.
After the victim called 911 with a description of the suspect, police quickly found him on Calle 64 between 53 and 55. “N” attempted to flee and threw the bag of money under a car to dispose of any evidence, police said. But the cash was recovered and the woman positively identified her alleged attacker.
“N” was transferred to the municipal jail to be processed.
Source: Sipse

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