Some relief from the heat is predicted as federal aid arrives

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Responding to extreme heat that has lasted for days, the National Coordination of Civil Protection on Thursday issued an Extraordinary Emergency Declaration for most of Yucatán.

The declaration includes 98 municipalities, excluding only eight localities in the east of the state.

Once an emergency is declared, authorities can tap federal resources to meet residents’ food, shelter and medical needs. The National Disaster Fund, Fonden, will also serve 23 other states in Mexico also struggling during the heat wave.

Temperatures in Mérida on Thursday passed 40.7C/105.3F for the fourth consecutive day, according to the Centro Hidrometeorológico Regional. The sensación termíca index — indicating what conditions feel like to human beings — reached 50C/122F.

But the worst is expected to be over for now. Today, highs in the capital are expected to reach 36C/97F. Scattered thunderstorms and humidity levels past 90 percent are also predicted through Monday, when temperatures are expected to decline further, to 33C/92F.

Yucatán has the most municipalities under the emergency order, ahead of the 72 in Chiapas, 67 in Chihuahua, 64 in Sonora and 51 in Veracruz. Yucatán’s declaration covers 93 percent of the state’s territory.

Luis Felipe Puente Espinosa, national Civil Protection coordinator assured citizens via Twitter that the federal government is responding to the crisis.

Municipalities included in the declaration are Abalá, Acanceh, Akil, Baca, Bokobá, Cacalchén, Cansahcab, Cantamayec, Celestún, Cenotillo, Conkal, Cuncunul, Cuzamá, Chacsinkín, Chankom, Chapab, Chemax, Chicxulub Pueblo, Chichimilá, Chikindzonot, Chocholá, Chumayel, Dzán, Dzemul, Dzidzantún, Dzilam de Bravo, Dzilam González, Dzitás, Dzoncauich, Halachó, Hocabá, Hoctún, Homún, Huhí, Hunucmá, Ixil, Izamal, Kanasín, Kantunil, Kaua, Kinchil, Kopomá, Mama, Peanuts , Maxcanú, Mayapán, Mérida, Mocochá, Motul, Muna, Muxupip, Opichén, Oxkutzcab, Peto, Progreso, Quintana Roo, Sacalum, Samahil, Sanahcat, Saint Helena, Seyé, Sinanché, Sotuta, Sudzal, Suma, Tahdziú, Tahmek, Teabo , Tecoh, Tekal de Venegas, Tekantó, Tekax, Tekit, Tekom, Telchac Pueblo, Telchac Puerto, Temax, Temozón, Tepakán, Tetiz, Teya, Ticul, Timucuy, Tinum, Tixcacalcupul, Tixkokob, Tixmehuac, Tixpéhual, Tunkás, Tzucacab, Uayma, Ucú, Umán, Valladolid, Xocchel, Yaxcabá, Yaxkukul and Yobaín.

Not included in the list are Buctzotz, Calotmul, Espita, Panabá, Río Lagartos, San Felipe, Sucilá and Tizimín.

This is the second time in fewer than two months that this emergency has been declared in Yucatán. The alert was also active between May 30 and June 9.

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