Repaving on Mérida-Progreso highway to snarl traffic for the next 55 days

The state highway department is preparing for 55 days of road work on the Mérida-Progreso highway.
Drivers should also be prepared. Lane closures and reduced speed limits are expected to create traffic delays for the duration of the project.
The 43.4-million-peso project includes repaving 16.1 kilometers of road between the capital and the port cities.
Potholes are being filled and surfaces will be paved with 3-centimeter micro-asphalt, which provides a waterproof layer and improves traction.
The project is being divided into four sub-sections, starting northbound, from km 21 to km 27 and from km 27 to km 30. Southbound work starts from km 17.5 to km 21 and from km 22.1 to km 25.6.
Drivers are asked to be aware of lane closures for the 55 days, starting Wednesday. Signs will urge motorists to drive with caution and obey the speed limits.
Earlier this year, crews repaved a stretch between km 9 and km 22.2 at a cost of 34.3 million pesos.

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