
Shoplifting tops extortion as a threat to businesses in Yucatán

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Literally, robo homiga translates to English “ant theft,” but it actually refers to something much bigger.

The term refers to shoplifting, which the federal statistics bureau says is a bigger threat to Yucatan’s businesses than extortion.

The local business chamber reported losses of more than 166 million pesos due to shoplifting last year.

So far this year, shoplifting losses totaled 70 million pesos, although they estimate that it could increase with holiday sales at the end of the year.

Last week, the local president of the National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (Canacintra), Juan Manuel Ponce Diaz, said that the private sector expects state and municipal authorities to help with strategies to address the problem.

Small stores and large stores are affected at the same rate, according to the federal statistics report.

Yucatecan companies paid a collective total of 31,000 pesos to combat shoplifters. In 2017, 2,243 incidents were reported.

Businesses in Yucatán said that illegal street vendors affect them as much as shoplifters.

Based on the National Survey of Business Victimization, an estimated 63 percent of businesses consider insecurity and crime as the problem that affects them most.  But in Yucatán, only 28.6 percent cited insecurity as their worst problem.

The fourth edition of the National Survey of Business Victimization generates information on the characteristics of crime, the context of victimization, the economic impact of crime on private sector economic units, and on perceptions and attitudes towards security.

The report provides statistical information that leads to public policy and informs the business sector.

Source: Punto Medio

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