Special tours: Museo Montes Molina shines at night

See the Quinta Montes Molina at night. Photo: Handout

Mérida, Yucatán — La Noche de Museo is a special night that allow visitors to see the Paseo de Montejo’s famous Montes Molina House Museum in a different light. That is, moonlight.

As they do during the day, visitors will admire La Casa Museo Montes Molina’s European furniture, Carrara marble floors and precious Baccarat and Murano windows, but by the light of its chandeliers.

In Mérida, this is the only house, in its original state, to open its doors to the public on special nights. The next Noche de Museo dates are: July 17, 24 and 31; and Aug. 7 and 14. Night tours start at 8 p.m. and end at 10. General admission is 50 pesos per person.

About the museum

The Porfirio-era Quinta Montes Molina, originally called Villa Beatriz, is known for its eclectic architecture and neoclassic lines. It was built by Don Aurelio Portuondo y Barcelo, a prosperous businessman from Havana.

As partner in the construction of the Peón Contreras Theater, Don Aurelio used the same European architects and builders for his new home.

In 1915, during the Mexican Revolution, he sold his home to Don Avelino Montes Linaje, a prominent businessman and banker. He embellished the mansion even more.

“The results of his labors of love can be seen today during the guided tours of this  mansion/museum,” says Yucatán Today.

Regular tours continue at this “elegant, authentic, fully and beautifully furnished Paseo Montejo mansion, with the original chandeliers, mirrors, antique furnishings, rugs, paintings, statues and sculptures, Limoge china and Chiristofle silverware.”

Paseo de Montejo No. 469 x 33 y 35. Tours in English: Mon-Fri. 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 3 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m., 11 a.m.. Entry: 75 pesos adults, 60 pesos teachers and students, 50 pesos children.

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