Survey: 71% of Yucatecos want new COVID restrictions

Roadblocks in Mérida were an early strategy to contain coronavirus. Photo: Courtesy

Yucatán is facing what is being called the fifth wave of COVID-19.

The surge in new infections nearly reached 300 on Thursday alone, prompting authorities to wonder if more strict measures are needed once again.

Also on the rise are hospitalization, quarantines, and absenteeism from work. Patients at home under quarantine have risen from the teens in April to over 2,000. 

Diario de Yucatán recently conducted a yes-or-no poll asking its readers “do you think new restrictions should be put in place to fight the 5th wave of COVID-19?”

Of the over 12,000 people who answered the poll, 71% were of the opinion that yes, new restrictions are necessary.

The unscientific poll did not specify what kind of measures this would entail.

It is interesting to note that the Diario de Yucatán’s readership tends to be socially conservative and older. 

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“The last thing anyone wants is a return to strict restrictions, but we will continue to monitor the situation and do what is best for Yucatán,” said the state health minister, Mauricio Sauri Vivas.

Unlike the United States or countries in Europe, Mexico has avoided turning COVID-19 into a highly polarized political issue, though fringe views certainly exist. 

Deaths from COVID-19 remain relatively low, but they are no longer at zero — as they were just a month ago. 

But so far, the strategy presented by state health authorities appears to be a continued emphasis on vaccination.

For example, this month people in their 40s and 50s are eligible for a fourth dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.  

Though the vaccination strategy has worked fairly well at preventing death on a larger scale, it has not protected Yucatecos from infection, even if they are fully vaccinated and had previously contracted the coronavirus.

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