
Eco-roundup: Vandalized trees replaced, mobile recycling units begin

The mayor helps plant new trees on Avenida Líbano. Photo: Facebook

Mérida, Yucatán — Sixteen new trees have been planted on a median where a vandal had destroyed their predecessors.

Like the 16 original chaká trees on Avenida Líbano, they are part of a city program to reforest public streets. But these new species are maculis trees, which produce colorful flowers and grow tall.

Mayor Mauricio Vila Dosal and assorted officials ceremonially planted some of them.

The maculis can reach up to 12 meters in height, producing pink or purple flowers and pods 10 to 15 centimeters long, slightly twisted. It is a native species whose roots do not damage the pavement and require little care, other than pruning.

The vandal who took a machete to the trees has not been apprehended. The City Council’s legal department filed a complaint with the public prosecutor’s office and police posted surveillance images of the suspect on Twitter.

A mobile recycling center pops up at Mejorada park. Photo: Facebook

Pop-up recycling centers

Continuing its green agenda, the Sustainable Development Unit has launched its “Punto Verde Móvil,” with five roving recycling centers in the Historic Center and beyond.

City Hall officials introduce recycling modules in a local park. Photo: Ayuntamiento

Mobile Green Points will accept aluminum, PET plastics, polyethylene, glass, paper and cardboard, and will pop up in various places. Expect to see it at Sunday morning’s Biciruta; the Saturday Slow Food Market and at Yaaxtal, an eco-friendly shop on the Prolongacíon de Paseo de Montejo. It will also show up in colonías and fraccionamientos across the city.

The unit also placed recycling modules in Hidalgo Park, the Municipal Palace, the Passage of the Revolution and in the Santa Ana market.

Here is the current schedule:


Yaaxtal Ecotienda
Prolongación Montejo

Wednesday, Aug. 16
9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Slow Food
Avenida Colón at Reforma

Saturday, Aug. 19
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Remate de Paseo Montejo

Sunday, Aug. 20
9 a.m. – noon

Yaaxtal Ecotienda
Temozón Norte

Wednesday, Aug. 23
9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Slow Food
Avenida Colón by Reforma

Saturday, Aug. 26
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Yaaxtal Ecotienda
Prolongación Montejo

Wednesday, Aug. 30
9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Slow Food
Avenida Colón by Reforma

Saturday, Sept. 2
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Remate de Paseo Montejo

Sunday, Sept. 3
9 a.m. – noon

The city has also promised a sanitary landfill that will be an example on a national level.

Press release

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