Two large crocodiles in mangrove found dead from gunshot wounds

Two large crocodiles were found dead in a mangrove near the coastal community of Dzidzantún.
The reptiles showed evidence of having been shot several times by a firearm.
Locals in the community said that it is not unusual for crocodiles to be seen in the area and that they sometimes even end up as roadkill.
However, residents were quick to point out that they had never before heard of crocodiles being killed with a gun.
Local police are conducting an investigation but admit that they don’t have any suspects.
“It is awful that someone would do this. The crocodiles are not a threat, we have lived with them for years. I really hope they catch whoever did this,” said a Dzidzantún resident, Gerardo Villanueva.
Crocodiles are sometimes illegally hunted for their skin, but in this instance this was not the case as the animals were left intact.
Earlier: Crocodiles emerge after storm Cristóbal in Yucatan
Crocodiles are a common sight in many of Yucatán’s coastal communities, but attacks on humans are uncommon.
However, due to habitat loss crocodiles have begun to be spotted more often on roads and highways.
The problem is not limited to crocodiles. Conservationists warn that Yucatán’s streets and roads are becoming increasingly dangerous for wild fauna, as well as domestic animals.
In the past year, over 300 wild animals have been found dead on Yucatán’s roads and highways, according to Mexico’s environmental ministry, Profepa.
The municipality of Dzidzantún lay in the middle of Yucatán’s northern coast, near the fishing villages of Chabihau and Dzilam Bravo.

Senior Editor Carlos Rosado van der Gracht is a Mexican expedition/Canadian photographer and adventure leader. Born in Mérida, Carlos holds multimedia, philosophy, and translation degrees from universities in Mexico, Canada and Norway.