Villa Navidad to benefit a trio of charities for the holidays

Villa Navidad is a weekend-long holiday event Dec. 4-5 to collect donations for three local charities.

This weekend, Dec. 4 and 5 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., visit Villa Navidad: A Weekend of Charity Collection & Holiday Activities at Casa de las Torres Calle 75 #503 x 64 y 62.

Drop off donations of food, clothing, toys and personal care items. There will be activities and entertainment for adults and children, including musical performances, holiday cooking & baking demonstrations, craft workshops and visits with Santa Claus.



10am to 4pm – Visits & Photos with Santa Claus
10am to 12pm – Holiday House Tours
12pm to 2pm – Holiday Craft Making
3pm to 5pm – Holiday Baking Demonstration
6pm to 7:30pm – Christmas Carol Sing-Along
7:30pm – Flute & Piano Holiday Recital (advance ticket purchase)
7:30pm to 10pm – Holiday Reception


10am to 4pm – Visits & Photos with Santa Claus
10am to 12pm – Holiday House Tours
12pm – 2pm – Christmas Cookie Baking & Decorating Demonstration
2pm – 4pm – Holiday Craft Making
4pm – Holiday Harp Recital (advance ticket purchase)
5pm to 7:15pm – Holiday Reception
7:30pm – Cuarteto Yucatan Recital (advance ticket purchase)
8:30pm to 10:00pm – Holiday Reception

*Music recitals require 300 pesos advance ticket purchase (all other events are free entry with donation). Tickets are available at Between the Lines Bookstore, Calle 62 #450 x 53 y 51 Merida Centro. Open Wed-Sun 10-4 @BetweenTheLinesMerida. Seating is limited; masks Required.


El Oasis de San Juan de Dios provides hope and comprehensive care at no cost to those who are affected by HIV/AIDS and have no resources. Since 1993, Oasis has impacted the lives of over 19,000 people in the Yucatan. Needs: food, nutritional supplements, personal care items, diapers, cleaning supplies, children’s clothing

La Casa del Buen Pastor is an outreach project from Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church, located in Dzununcan, Yucatan, that provides assistance to the people of that community. Needs: Food, hygiene products, clothes for boys and girls

El Ejercito de Salvacion’s family homes provide food, shelter, education, psychological support, medical, vocational guidance, love and direction to hundreds of children at risk. Children receive a comfortable and safe home, as well as moral and spiritual formation to help them reach their potential as happy, responsible Mexican adults. Needs: food, personal care items, cleaning supplies, children’s clothing


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