Yucatán breaks own its record for new COVID cases
Doctors in Yucatán reported 297 new coronavirus cases on Thursday, the highest one-day tally since the pandemic arrived.
Another seven men and four women died, ranging in age from 38 to 90. Five resided in Mérida, two in Ticul, two in Conkal, one in Sotuta and one in Izamal.
New infections included:
140 in Mérida
30 in Kanasín
20 in Progreso
19 in Hunucmá
11 in Tizimín
8 in Ticul and Umán
7 in Tekax
6 in Acanceh and Valladolid
4 in Motul
3 in Oxkutzcab and Uayma
2 in Cacalchen, Chumayel, Espita, Sacalúm and Tixkokob
1 in Akil, Chemax, Chicxulub Pueblo, Chikindzonot, Conkal, Cuncunul, Dzidzantún, Dzitás, Izamal, Kantunil, Kopomá, Maxcanú, Peto, Santa Elena, Seyé, Sucilá, Temozón and Tzucacab
Four were listed as living anywhere outside Yucatán.
Since the coronavirus reached Yucatán, 45,783 people have tested positive for COVID0-19. Only about 85 percent recovered.
Current patients include 2,095 at home with mild symptoms and 311 in the hospital.
Mérida patients include 8,146 in the north of the city, 7,343 in the east, 2,696 in the center within the Circuito Colonias ring road, 4,015 in the South, and 6,612 in the west.
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