Yucatán sending 2,500 hammocks to Oaxaca quake victims

The governor of Yucatán congratulates artisans in Teabo for their contribution to a hammock shipment to benefit earthquake victims. Photo: Courtesy

Teabo, Yucatán — In response to the earthquake in Oaxaca, the state is sending the product that Yucatán does best: its iconic hammocks.

All 2,500 colorful hamacas were made by local craftspeople to support the families left homeless and are in temporary shelters.

With help from the Development for Social Economy, the cargo will leave today for the troubled region.

“Mexicans have difficult times now, you know,” said Gov. Rolando Zapata Bello during his weekly public address. “They made a specific request for people who today have nowhere to sleep and asked for hammocks. I am happy to say that we will send 2,500 to Oaxaca, 450 of which were made here in Teabo.”

Hammocks from Yucatán are headed to relief shelters in Oaxaca. Photo: Courtesy

Hammock-making is a tradition in Teabo, a town of 6,000 people, lies 72 kilometers (45 miles) southeast of Mérida.

“That gives me great pride because Yucatan will always be present with solidarity, with an art and craftsmanship that is now available to brothers who need it,” said Zapata Bello.

Hammocks were also created by inmates at the Center for Social Reinsertion (CERESO) of Mérida and artisans from 12 other locations: Valladolid, Ticul, Mayapán, Chumayel, Cantamayec, Maní, Tixkokob, Chichimilá, Tecoh, Dzidzantún, Homún and Huhí, said Beatriz Peralta y Chacón, the director of the Casa de las Artesanías (CAEY).

Hammocks are a practical alternative to mattresses in this situation, because floors often get wet in the humble shelters where residents are gathering

Source: State press office

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