Yucatan stays in orange despite 24-hour surge in new cases, hospitalizations
Yucatan is remaining at the orange light rather than going back to the red-alert lockdown despite a surge in infections and hospitalizations Thursday.
Another 33 died and 248 new infections were found — the highest daily number in nearly two weeks — while 54 more patients were admitted to a hospital for COVID-19 treatment, health authorities said. Accumulated infections in Yucatan have passed 11,000.
But the economic reopening of Yucatan has not headed backward because both ICU occupancy and the week’s total hospital admissions have decreased. The rate of the coronavirus spread is growing exponentially, health officials also said.
Of the 248 new cases, 128 were in Mérida, 23 in Valladolid, 17 in Umán, 14 in San Felipe, 10 in Tizimín, five in Hunucmá and Progreso; four in Chichimila and Kanasín; four outsiders, three in Celestún, Tekax, Temozón , Ticul and Tixcacalcupul; two in Conkal, Teabo and Tinum, and one in Chapab, Chemax, Dzilam González, Espita, Huhí, Ixil, Izamal, Oxkutzcab, Peto, Río Lagartos, Seyé, Tekom and Teya.
That brings to 11,170 the total coronavirus infections in Yucatan. Of those, 8,646 have recovered and 1,350 have died.
The day’s fatalities included 15 men and 18 women between 40 and 92 years old.
Fourteen of the deceased were from Mérida, two from Motul, Umán and Valladolid, and one in Acanceh, Akil, Chemax, Chocholá, Conkal, Hunucmá, Izamal, Kinchil, Progreso, Samahil, Seyé, Sinanché and Tinum.
Current patients include 498 in stable condition and staying at home and 686 in a hospital.
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