Yucatán’s COVID deaths include at least 6 young people with no comorbidities
After several days of declining numbers, coronavirus cases in Yucatan shot up Friday. COVID-19 claimed the lives of 19 people, 10 of whom were under 50. Six who perished were in their 30s and the youngest was 24.
Yucatán’s health ministry has counted close to 50,000 confirmed cases since March 2020. The real number is thought to be many times higher.
Hospitalizations remain startling, with 337 patients requiring around-the-clock care. Public hospitals are at 55% capacity, doctors said.
Of 286 new infections reported Friday, 101 were in Mérida, 29 in Kanasín, 22 in Ticul, 18 in Hunucmá, 17 in Progreso, nine in Tizimín, 8 in Motul, 6 in Izamal, 4 in Maxcanú, Tekom and Umán, three in Kinchil, Muna and Tinum, three were foreigners, and two were in Acanceh, Oxkutzcab, Tekantación and Tixpéhual. Other cases were detected in Baca, Buctzotz, Cacalchén, Chapab, Chemax, Chicxulub Pueblo, Conkal, Dzan, Halachado, Hoctún, Maní, Muxupip, Seyé, Suma, Tecoh, Tekantación, Temax, Timucuy, Tixcacalcupul and Tixkokob.
Fatalities included 14 men and five women ranging in age from 24 to 79. The youngest to perish also battled asthma and obesity, but five others 50 and younger had no comorbidities.
Since April 2020, 4,670 people have died in Yucatan after battling the coronavirus.
Active cases also included 2,298 stable patients isolated at home with mild symptoms, 22 fewer than the day before.

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