4 coronavirus deaths in Yucatan, the most yet in 1 day

Four coronavirus-related deaths were reported Sunday in Yucatan, the highest number yet in a 24-hour period. Previously, no more than three had perished in a single day.
That brings to 29 the total of deaths from COVID-19 in Yucatan.
The Health Ministry also for the first time shared the deceased’s city of origin and issued a town-by-town map indicating where the infections originated.
- An 82-year-old woman, originally from and a resident of Merida, with a history of diabetes, hypertension and chronic kidney disease. She lived with five people, who have no symptoms.
- A 65-year-old man, originally from and a resident of Merida, with diabetes, hypertension and obesity. He lived with twp people, who have no symptoms.
- A 63-year-old woman from Baca, with diabetes and obesity. She lived with 3 people, so far asymptomatic.
- A 55-year-old woman from Tekantó, also with diabetes and hypertension.
The number of people confirmed infected by coronavirus in Yucatan is 331, 22 more than Saturday. Five are in serious enough condition to merit hospitalization, bringing that number to 50.
Another 16 patients, 178 in all, are listed as recovered, although it is now in dispute whether they are now immune to future infections.
Authorities said that 74 patients are stable and in quarantine at home, three fewer than Saturday.
They also listed where the infections are concentrated:
Merida had by far the most, at 246. The rest of the towns were as follows:
- 16 Valladolid
- 10 Uman
- 7 Kanasín
- 6 Ticul
- 5 Tekax
- 4 Chemax
- 3 Conkal
- 3 Halachó
- 3 Hunucmá
- 2 Izamal
- 2 Maxcanú
- 2 Muxupip
- 2 Opichén
- 1 Akil
- 1 Baca
- 1 Calotmul
- 1 Cenotillo
- 1 Chocholá
- 1 Dzidzantún
- 1 Huhí
- 1 Kantunil
- 1 Motul
- 1 Progreso
- 1 Samahil
- 1 Thetiz
- 1 Tizimín
- 1 Yaxcabá
Six of the confirmed cases are from another country or another state.
{ Related: More stories on the coronavirus response }

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