Untimely deaths in Yucatan have already passed 2018 total

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The number of homicides and accidental deaths is rising in Yucatan. According to the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System, 100 untimely ends through October have surpassed the 88 reported in all of 2018 .

Fatal knife attacks have risen from 14 to 17 cases, while gun deaths declined from eight to two, according to the report.

Road deaths attributed to reckless driving have spiked, from 40 to 75 so far this year.

This has persuaded the state Congress last week to unanimously approve measures to suspend the licenses of those who drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and ban drivers who caused fatal crashes.

On the entire Peninsula, Yucatán is the state with the fewest homicides per capita.

In Quintana Roo, on the Caribbean coast, of the 795 wrongful deaths reported in the first 10 months of 2019, only 161 have occurred due to traffic accidents. There are 1,447 homicides reported up to October, more than the 947 victims counted in all of 2018.

On the other hand, according to the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System, the number of femicides in Yucatan has decreased, with three cases — one in April and two in May — while last year the final count was seven.

However, a representative in Yucatan of the National Citizen Observatory of Feminicide, Adelaida Salazar Salas, said in recent days 17 attempts to kill women have been counted.

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