Yucatán’s late-summer COVID-19 battle is losing ground

Weekly coronavirus cases in Yucatán are up nearly 22% since the beginning of the month, indicating the late summer’s steady rise in infections.

State health officials today announced 268 new infections in the past 24 hours. New cases this week totaled 1,864, an average of 266 each day.

Another 14 patients died, bringing the fatality total to 5,452 since April 2020. Average daily fatalities have remained between 12.7 and 13.5 all month.

Four COVID-19 fatalities were in their 30s while the oldest was 82.

New cases included 41 added to the list of over 2,000 patients with symptoms mild enough to be monitored from home under quarantine. Public hospitalizations declined by eight to reach 246.

Patients range in age from one month to 107 years.

Yucatán’s vaccination campaign continues Wednesday when second doses of AstraZeneca shots will be available in 18 municipalities to residents in their 40s.

  • Wednesday: Tixkokob, Temozón, Tzucacab, Timucuy, Temax and Tixpéual.
  • Thursday: Teabo, Tixcacalcupul, Tetiz, Tahmek, Yaxkukul and Telchac Pueblo.
  • Friday: Tekal de Venegas, Tahdziú, Tekom, Telchac Puerto, Tepakán and Teya.
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