‘Angels’ spreads its wings to the Yucatán Country Club gallery

The “Angels” exhibit has expanded into the exclusive Yucatán Country Club gallery, on view by appointment. Photo: Courtesy

SoHo Galleries’ “Angels and Other Selected Works” is on view through January in an exclusive collaboration with the Fundación Yucatan Country Club IAP.

By purchasing a piece you will be supporting the YCC’s charitable In Huotoch Community Center in Chablekal. It’s also a chance to check out the exclusive clubhouse at the YCC.

Schedule a private visit by calling Suemy Chan at 999-994-8483. You will be emailed a QR code to show at the security gate.

The “Angels” project is deeply personal to curator Adele Aguirre. It follows a year of loss and mourning, as well as a period that has been tumultuous for all of us. Read more about it here.

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