Baby Spider Monkey abandoned at doorstep of Mérida home

A baby spider monkey was discovered abandoned at the door of a household in Mérida.
The homeowners quickly alerted authorities as they had no idea how to deal with the situation.
The young primate was wrapped in a blanket and was in good health, according to state wildlife authorities.
The monkey has now been transferred to a specialized facility where experts are monitoring its health and hoping to reintroduce it to the wild.
The monkey belongs to the ateles geoffroyi species, better known as spider monkeys.
Native to the Yucatán Peninsula, spider monkeys are often poached from the wild and then sold as pets on the black market.
Owning a spider monkey is not illegal in Mexico, special permits are needed and are usually not given out to private persons.
Earlier: Tiger cub discovered inside a box at Mérida’s airport
Spider monkeys are very social and live in groups ranging in size from anywhere between 10 and 100 members, though they usually average between 20 and 40. Groups are dominated by females, who also are in charge of planning foraging groups.

Yucatán spider monkeys feed mostly on fruit but have been known to also eat the occasional insect or egg.
The average lifespan is of about 25 years, but in captivity, they can live up well into their late thirties.
Females produce offspring once every couple of years. Babies are born completely black and will cling to their mother’s back for the first few years of life.
Despite attempts by the government and conservation groups, the poaching of exotic animals is still relatively common in Mexico.

Senior Editor Carlos Rosado van der Gracht is a Mexican expedition/Canadian photographer and adventure leader. Born in Mérida, Carlos holds multimedia, philosophy, and translation degrees from universities in Mexico, Canada and Norway.