Burglaries rise in Yucatan as state seeks more security cameras, drones

From January to September, burglaries in Yucatan increased 38% over the same period last year, according to a citizen study.

“Semáforo Delictivo” — “Criminal Traffic Light” in English — counted 949 residential burglaries during that period in 2018.

The group’s month-by-month accounting of crimes, broken down by category and municipality, appear here.

In the Fractionation Las Américas, thefts are reported constantly on social networks, according to the study. Another neighborhood, Los Héroes, is under permanent surveillance from state police to prevent more burglaries.

From January to September 2019, 1,308 cases were registered, April being the busiest month with 211 and February with 92, the lowest. Easter holidays could account for April’s high numbers, said Paulino Dzib Aguilar, director of the Therapeutic Justice Clinic.

“The fact that many people are coming and do not manage to be able to accommodate themselves at work leads to these types of crimes: robbery, fraud, extortion. That ability that they may have coupled with the need, add to the variables, so that it goes on a slight increase,” she said.

It should be noted that since the study started, in January 2015 saw the highest number of home robberies, with 238 cases.

The state’s “Yucatán Seguro” project is requesting a 2.6 million peso loan to install 3,527 new video security cameras as well as drones.

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