Carriage horse falls in busy hotel zone intersection

A horse fell to the pavement after apparently being clipped by a passing dump truck. Photo: Faceboook

Merida, Yucatan — A carriage horse is OK after being apparently hit by a dump truck outside the Hyatt Regency hotel, said UADY veterinarians.

Images of the fallen horse went viral on social media. Some commenters assumed the horse was stricken from being forced to work in the heat of the day.

Local media report that the horse was knocked over in the busy intersection around noon Tuesday. The carriage was stopped at the traffic light on the corner of Avenida Colon and Calle 60 when a truck tried to pass it and turn right, according to Diario de Yucatan.

As the truck turned, the truck’s rear clipped the horse, which was startled, slipped and fell to the pavement.

Veterinarians said the horse had no serious injuries, only requiring anti-inflammatory medicine and analgesics. The horse was prescribed three to four days’ rest.

Source: Diario de Yucatan

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