Coronavirus cases in Yucatan approach 2,000

A coronavirus patient is wheeled into one of Merida’s hospitals equipped to deal with COVID-19. Photo: De Peso

With 56 new coronavirus infections in the last 24 hours, Yucatan is close to having registered 2,000 confirmed cases since the start of the pandemic. Seven more deaths were reported Tuesday, bringing total fatalities to 223.

Of the new infections, 30 were found in Mérida, six in Buctzotz, three in Kanasín, two each in Tixkokob, Tixpéhual and Valladolid, and one each in Hunucmá, Izamal, Oxkutzcab, Progreso, Sinanché, Suma, Tecoh, Ticul, Timucuy, Tizimín and Umán. The official total of infections in the state is 1,933.

The deceased were in their 60s, 70s and 80s, all with pre-existing health conditions such as COPD, obesity, liver disease or diabetes. None of their contacts appeared to have symptoms of coronavirus.

Officially, 1,400 people have recovered, which represents 72 percent of the total. Also, 161 patients are at home with mild symptoms while 149 are in the hospital, five fewer than Monday.

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