Daily coronavirus deaths persist above 30 while new cases drop

A former coronavirus patient is discharged from temporary facilities at the otherwise unused Siglo XXI convention center in Merida. Photo: Courtesy

Another 33 coronavirus patients died Monday, the eighth consecutive day that daily fatalities refused to drop below 30.

New infections, however, dropped significantly to 110, down from 169 the day before. While new cases have been erratic, they remain fewer than July’s totals.

Of newly detected infections 76 were in Merida, six in Ticul, five in Valladolid, three in Tixpéhual, two in Tinum and Tizimín, and one in Abalá, Acanceh, Akil, Cansahcab, Chocholá, Conkal, Dzan, Dzitás, Kanasín, Motul, Peto, Progreso, Quintana Roo, Tekax, Umán and Yaxkabá.

The deceased included 20 men and 13 women ranging in age from 30 to 90 years old. Some already had hypertension, diabetes, obesity, chronic kidney failure and asthma.

Fatalities included 14 from Merida, three from Izamal, two from Ticul, two from outside the state or country and one from Akil, from Conkal, Huhí, Kopomá, Mayapán, Oxkutzcab, Temax, Tepakán, Tizimín, Umán and Valladolid.

Current patients are divided between the 512 patients with mild symptoms and recovering at home and 521 in the hospital, in more serious condition and an unknown percentage relying on ventilators.

Hospitalizations dropped by 14, health officials also said in a briefing Monday.

Since the crisis began in Yucatan five months ago, doctors have reported 12,818 infections and 1,686 deaths, although the true numbers are thought to be much higher.

Nearly 79% of Yucatan’s patients have recovered, including 50 reported Monday.

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