Deportations from Yucatán drop; 25 ousted so far in 2018

So far this year, 25 foreigners have been deported by the National Institute of Migration in Yucatán, said an INM official.
That is a lower number than previous years, said Oswaldo Abel Ortiz Matú.
Most of the immigrants are from the Central American countries of El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.
He revealed that on some occasions the deportees had obtained cards as border workers for opportunities in Chiapas, Oaxaca or Tabasco “but due to ignorance they come to Yucatan for work options,” according to Ortiz Matú.
The delegate of the INM said that most of these people did not have immigration documents.
The migrants were found in Mérida and in smaller municipalities. Once they are arrested, they are placed under a process to be repatriated to their countries of origin.
He could not confirm an unofficial announcement that a group of foreigners is apparently being detained by state police.
Source: El Universal

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