High-tech light show all around Izamal

The holiday season will conclude with new free new “videomapping” shows in the “Magic Town” of Izamal. Nightly shows continue until Saturday, April 2 with an 8:30 p.m. presentation.
Vivid light shows honoring local history and tradition will be projected onto building walls at five different points. What’s striking about the shows is how they correspond with each building’s architecture, turning facades into eye-popping canvases.

Look for videomapping shows at the Banamex Cultural Center and the San Miguelito hotel; a private home at Los Cañones; the chapel at Los Remedios; la Esquina del Venado; and the facade of the Franciscan convent San Antonio de Padua (above).
Nicknamed “the Yellow City,” Izamal is 44 miles east of “the White City,” Merida, reached on the highway leading to Chichen Itza, then following the signs pointing toward Izamal.
Easily explored by foot or horse-drawn carriage, Izamal is filled with picturesque colonial houses and archaeological sites, most notable Kinich Kakmo, which was dedicated to the sun good, and is 115 feet high.
Press release

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