LED fixtures to replace 4,000 old Periférico street lamps

LED lights will replace old, often malfunctioning street lamps on the Periférico. Photo: Sipse

Mérida, Yucatán — Seeing on the ring road at night will soon be a little easier.

In the coming months, the Periférico’s 4,000 street lamps — of which 400 do not work — will be replaced with new LED fixtures.

The economical street lights are designed to allow 60 percent energy savings, which amounts to more than 600,000 pesos every two months.

The first lights will be installed as a “pilot test” at the extension of the Progreso exit’s road distributor, said Eloy Quiroz Ávila, director of Integrated Services for the Conservation of the State of Yucatán.

Renovations there, which will facilitate traffic at the future Harbor mall, are three-quarters of the way finished and are promised to be completed by summer’s end.

Once officials observe the lights in action, they will plan the rest of the installations accordingly.

The cost of the project was not available, but the official promised the project would be completed before the current state administration turns over its keys to the winners of the upcoming general election.

“The problem is that these types of products are imported and handled in dollars,” he said.

Source: Sipse

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