
Mexico’s ‘Black Friday’ is back: Buen Fin 2016

Televisions were among the most popular Buen Fin items in 2015. Photo: Facebook
Televisions were among the most popular Buen Fin items in 2015. Photo: Facebook

Some 11,500 shops across Yucatán will offer deep discounts and generous promotions during this year’s Buen Fin, the nationwide kickoff to the holiday shopping season.

Buen Fin is Nov. 18-21, and authorities are working hard to encourage shoppers to, well, go shopping.

Buen Fin returns mid-November. Merchants posting this sign are participating.
Buen Fin returns mid-November. Merchants posting this sign are participating.

Shoppers can spot an El Buen Fin participant by a tell-tale red-and-white sign.

Inspired by Black Friday in the U.S., the “good weekend” is organized in part by the Confederation of National Chambers of Trade, Services and Tourism (Canaco Servytur). 

Department stores, supermarkets, grocery stores and convenience stores, shoe stores, bookstores, automobile showrooms, restaurants and hotels — mostly in Mérida — all post discounts for goods and services. Shops also extend hours and extend credit terms.

Shoppers in the past have arrived from neighboring states to avail themselves of sales promotions.

Municipal, state and federal workers will receive 25 percent of their Christmas bonuses in time to spend it on Buen Fin sales.

Televisions, cell phones, clothes and washing machines were the most popular items during last year’s promotion.

For the first time since Buen Fin began in 2011, the Ministry of Tourism Development will participate in this program, offering discounts on holiday travel, said the leader of the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Merida, Juan José Abraham Dáguer.

Authorities at the briefing pledged to investigate consumer complaints connected to the promotion. Last year, out of thousands of transactions, just 40 formal complaints were filed, and all were reconciled, reporters were told.

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