Dengue down; mosquito warriors return in May

Truck with mosquito-killing spray is on the way. Source: Press Release

A drastic drop in dengue, and low numbers of chikungunya and zika cases, were reported today by the state ministry of health.

A combination of dry weather and preventative actions by government officials was credited to the optimistic report. In February, over 5,000 agents of the state went door-to-door in every municipality to check for mosquito breeding sites and raise awareness of the issue. The brigade and fumigation trucks will reassemble May 11-14.

Dengue cases along are down 47.3 percent over last year, according to officials.

In addition, there are eight confirmed cases of Chikungunya and one of Zika. These diseases are new to the region and are associated with very low numbers. No deaths have been reported.

But authorities warn that with rainy season approaching, citizens cannot let down their guard. Standing water breeds mosquito larvae, and unkempt properties can be the source of the problem.

Residents are being encouraged to take advantage of bulk trash collection days to further clear fields of mosquito-breeding sites.

“We must have a permanent culture of Aedes aegypti mosquito combat,” said Dr. Paredes Aguilar, of the health ministry.

Residents cooperative, mostly

During the May campaign, 271,945 homes were visited across the state of Yucatán. Of that total, 47.18 percent of owners allowed the brigade inspected the house to eliminate breeding sites, no one answered the door at 31.54 percent of the homes; 10.75 percent of the houses were uninhabited and 10.5 percent would not allow the brigade to enter and perform their job.

Under law, homeowner compliance with the brigade is voluntary.

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