Nearly a quarter million pack Yucatán’s beaches on Easter weekend

Progreso, Yucatán — High temperatures and good weather lured an estimated 220,000 beachgoers to the coast over the Easter weekend.
Before noon in Merida on Sunday, long lines were seen at bus terminals where public transportation connected people to the beach 32 kilometers away. Heavier than usual traffic was also reported before 10 a.m. on the Mérida-Progreso highway.
Most vehicles coming from Mérida reached the beach in under a half an hour. Many families came from the interior of the country — Toluca, Puebla and the Mexico City — as well as from Tikimul and Tzucacab and other municipalities in the state’s interior.
In Progreso, a beer company sponsored a free rock concert on the pier.
Progreso police estimated 110,000 visitors on Sunday, and double that for the entire weekend. Crowds were under control, said local media, with only a few minor incidents or injuries.
Around the port, fried fish sold for between 130 and 160 pesos per kilo, although many people chose to pack their own meals.
Source: Punto Medio

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