New coronavirus cases in Yucatán exceed 100 once again
New daily infections were in triple digits four out the past seven days as coronavirus continued its spread in Yucatán.
Doctors announced nine deaths and 113 new cases on Saturday. A month ago, daily cases averaged in the 60s.
Infections have also outpaced recoveries for four straight days, threatening to burden Yucatán’s health care system with an increasing number of patients. Another 143 COVID-19 patients on Saturday were under home quarantine and in stable condition, bringing the total to 683. Hospitalizations dipped by six to reach 148.
Yucatán has tracked over 25,000 infections since March and 2,833 have died since April. The number of undetected cases is thought to be many times the official number.
The most recent fatalities were five men and four women ranging in age from 44 to 78. Seven lived in Mérida, one in Valladolid and another in Tizimín.
Of the new cases, 67 were in Mérida, 13 in Progreso, 12 in Chichimilá, five in Tekax and Tizimín, two in Umán and Valladolid, one from another state or country, and one each in Chapab, Chemax, Chicxulub Pueblo, Chikindzonot, Izamal and Kanasín.
Lee Steele is the founding director of Roof Cat Media and has published Yucatán Magazine and other titles since 2012.