Residents of San Damian not happy with new gas line

Residents of Mérida’s San Damian neighborhood gathered to protest the ongoing construction of a natural gas line running under their streets.
Residents expressed concern that the natural gas running under their streets is dangerous and described the project as a ticking time bomb.
Homeowners claim they were deceived into believing that the construction was for a new water pipe.
The gas line is being built by Engie, a Mexican natural gas company, also active in Argentina, Chile, Perú and Colombia.
“At no time did anyone notify us of what was going on, we are very upset and do not wish this project to go any further,” said Javier Espinoza Aleman.
Earlier: Solution to Yucatan’s natural gas shortage remains unclear
San Damian Residents have started to park their cars on the street in an attempt to slow down construction. The effort has had some success, but homeowners acknowledge that it is only a temporary solution.
Many homeowners have set up large signs reading “No al paso del gas entubado en esta calle” — meaning, no to gas ducts on this street.
Merida’s city hall and department of public works made no statements on the matter.

Senior Editor Carlos Rosado van der Gracht is a Mexican expedition/Canadian photographer and adventure leader. Born in Mérida, Carlos holds multimedia, philosophy, and translation degrees from universities in Mexico, Canada and Norway.