Tips for Young Writers Who Want to Get Published

Photo by Todoran Bogdan via Pexels

Since you are reading this article, you likely love writing. While writing is an important skill to develop and improve in our modern world, getting published is a different thing. Don’t believe anyone who tells you that you are too young to publish your work. There are a lot of publications that are willing to publish the work of individuals who are as young as five. Therefore, when someone tries to discourage you because of your age, just smile and get on with your piece. In this article, we are going to share a few effective tips that you can learn to get published as a young writer.

1. Join a writing club

Thanks to rapid technological advancement, we are more connected than ever before. There are a lot of benefits that you’ll enjoy by joining a writing group and interacting with other members. You can do this physically or in the comfort of your home using your computer or smartphone. Apart from interacting with other members, you’ll get to share your work and get feedback. Feedback will help you learn from your mistakes and motivate you to complete your pending projects quickly. There are a lot of writing groups on different social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn. Joining these groups will build your network and help you get published early. As a college student, nothing should come between you and your writing. If you have a lot of assignments, you should consider getting paper writers for hire to help you unload your schedule. Getting paper help online will help you get time to interact with members in your writing club. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, especially while you’re learning.

2. Have an orderly routine

Having a consistent routine means that you are likely to find the time you need to write and you are less prone to unplanned events and interruptions. The creative process can be demanding and messy. However, you’ll have a hard time writing if your outside world is chaotic. All you need to create is an orderly routine. Create your routine and test it to discover whether it works for you. If it doesn’t, make the necessary adjustments. When you have a routine, it’s easy to form good habits. And good habits will help you achieve your biggest goals easily.

3. Write regularly

Successful athletes train hard on the track every day. Successful students study every day. Successful writers write every day. They don’t just do it over the weekend or when they feel inspired. They sit down and get the work done every day. If you haven’t formed the habit of writing regularly, now is the best time to start. All you need to do is set a clear goal. Determine the amount of time you’ll spend writing every day. It could be 15 minutes or 1 hour. It all depends on your schedule and capabilities. To become a successful writer, consistency is key. Repeat until you form this habit. You should also track your word count to analyze your progress.

4. Attend a workshop

You’ll be amazed at the number of learning institutions and independent groups that offer writing workshops in your area. While you’ll be required to pay a fee to attend them, they are worth it in the long run. Attending workshops will allow you to hang out with other writers and get a chance for your work to get published. You can easily find workshop options in your area by doing a simple Google search. You can also ask your friends who are passionate about writing.

5. Self-publish

If you cannot find a reputable publisher to publish your work, you can easily do it yourself. If you have been writing a collection of poetry or a novel, there are a lot of ways to make this happen. The easiest way is by visiting platforms owned by Amazon. If you want to publish a hard-copy book, use CreateSpace. On the other hand, if you are publishing an ebook, use Kindle Direct Publishing. If you are a minor, your parent or guardian has to set up an account since you are not allowed to sign any contract.

6. Enter writing contests

This is one of the best ways to motivate yourself to write more and share your work with the world. If you win, your work may get published for free on a popular website or in a magazine. Winning a couple of contests and awards will help you get the attention of publishers and agents easily.


These are some of the best tips that you can use as a young writer to get your work published. Remember, it’s never too early or late to start pursuing your goals. And you are the only one who can determine whether you’ll realize your goals or not. You need to have an orderly routine and write every day to master your writing skill. Apart from that, you need to cooperate with others to get feedback and connections to attain your goals. Don’t hesitate to seek help from the experts when you need it. The best part is, you can communicate with them in the comfort of your home.

Author’s Bio:

Clifford Cullens is a talented proofreader and writer in the academic world. He enjoys interacting with young students and helping them achieve their biggest goals. He spends his free time reading magazines and traveling.

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