
Vandal cuts 16 chaká trees along Avenida Líbano

The city has vowed to catch the vandal who chopped down several trees recently planted in the north of the city. Photo: Facebook/Mayor’s office

For apparently the fourth time in this area, a row of chaká trees meant to shade Avenida Líbano have been crudely cut down by a vandal.

The 16 trees, in Col. Mexico Norte and Emiliano Zapata Norte, had been planted just last Saturday under a municipal Green Infrastructure Program.

The City Council’s legal department has filed a complaint with the public prosecutor’s office. Police posted a fuzzy surveillance video that shows a person in the act at 6:30 Tuesday morning.

Although the 911 line is for emergencies, police invite any witnesses to use that number to supply any tips that could lead to the capture of the suspect.

The vandalism has been linked to an earlier acid attack on recently paved roads, a destructive act that has gone unresolved.

Trees are at the mercy of the public. In May 2017, in a park also in the north of the city saw its trees split in half. And in 2015, a group of trees over 30 years old were illegally removed by a car dealer who wanted better exposure to the street.

Responding to Tuesday’s events, Mayor Mauricio Vila Dosal said he will do everything possible to find those responsible.

“It causes me indignation and sadness to see the damage they caused to these trees on Avenida Líbano; whoever does this undermines the heritage of all Meridanos,” he wrote on Facebook.

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