While sea turtles hatch, trucks on beach pose a threat
Progreso, Yucatán — Citizens have banded together against cars and trucks that menace sea turtles on the beach.
On the Yucalpetén beach, where turtle eggs have been hatching, the federal environmental agency Profepa has posted signs asking drivers to be careful when on the sand.
At least one path on the beach has become a high-traffic area, and it’s an obstacle for newborn sea turtles that instinctively scramble toward the water.
Over the past several days, residents have uploaded images showing baby sea turtles crossing tire tracks to access the Gulf.
Resident want more than signs, and they have mobilized on a Facebook page, “No more cars on Progreso Beach.” On the page, photos and videos of thoughtless drivers are posted.
Two tractor trailer cabs were captured in a snapshot and video. The fleet owner, Mérida-based Pitic, has promised to investigate.
On Wednesday, frustrated residents used five concrete posts to physically block access to the beach, an illegal act of protest.
Police removed the posts after drivers complained to authorities.
Source: Sipse