Yucatán contrasts with other states for low crime rates

Green lights indicate low levels or no violent crimes under different categories. Photo: Semáforo Delictivo

Yucatán continues to enjoy its status as the state with Mexico’s lowest crime numbers, according to the Semáforo Delictivo.

The database uses a traffic light to communicate its findings. Yucatán overall has more green lights than any other region, and had no red lights — which would have indicated an alarming level under one of 11 classifications.

The findings are based on official figures from the Executive Secretariat of the National Security System tracking homicide, kidnapping, extortion, car theft, home and business burglaries, rape, assault, drug dealing, domestic violence and femicide. The final three categories are recent additions to the survey; 166 domestic violence cases dominate the February chart.

These aren’t crime rates but raw numbers, so larger municipalities will stand out because their populations are larger.

Yucatán scored cautionary yellow lights for February’s four murders, 30 vehicle thefts, 18 business robberies and 166 domestic violence cases.

Drilling down, individual municipalities received some red lights. Mérida saw four homicides, 15 car thefts, 13 commercial burglaries and 145 domestic violence cases.

Domestic burglaries were worse in Hunucmá and Tekax, each with four incidents. Car thefts were highest in Mérida, Progreso, Umán and Ticul.

According to the National Survey of Victimization and Perception of Public Safety and the 2017 Mexico Peace Index, Yucatán is the state where fewest crimes occur throughout the year. That supports data from Lantia Consultores, a firm that found Yucatán had Mexico’s fewest homicides with an average of 1.9 per 100,000 inhabitants in 2017.

Six Yucatecan municipalities have all green lights: Kanasín and Oxkutzcab, where several crimes were previously reflected, as well as Chemax, Motul, Tizimín and Valladolid.

The state recorded zero kidnappings, extortion and feminicides for the month.

The February statistics contrast remarkably with other states. The traffic-light chart has the most red signals in Aguascalientes, Oaxaca and Puebla.

The interactive Semáforo Delictivo chart is here.

Source: Diario de Yucatán

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