Yucatán ranks again as Mexico’s safest state, and investors follow

Yucatán’s capital Mérida is one of Latin America’s safest cities. Photo: Carlos Rosado van der Gracht

Yucatán has maintained its spot as the safest state in México, according to the federal safety watchdog.

Yucatán also achieved first place, as the state with the highest perceived level of security for women in 2020, according to Mexico’s demographics institute, INEGI.

The state government credits much of Yucatáns success to its “Yucatán Seguro” or “Safe Yucatan” initiative. 

Yucatán’s government has installed approximately 6,000 security cameras across the state. All cameras are now monitored from a facility known as C5i, which serves as a central information hub for the state’s police and security forces. 

Significant investments have also been made in the purchase of 600 police cruisers and four additional police watercraft to offer emergency assistance along Yucatán’s 378 kilometers of coast. 

Yucatán’s position as Méxicos safest state has brought with it considerable economic benefits. According to the country’s federal economic agency. Direct foreign investment in Yucatán grew by 86% in 2020, compared to 2018. 

Despite the good news, commentators such as René Ramírez Benítez, warn against a “narrative of complacency” which leads Yucatecos to ignore the ills present in the state, and perhaps even under-report incidences of crime. 

A good example of this is that although Yucatan ranks first in women’s perception of security, it also ranked 16 of 32 regarding incidents of domestic abuse. 

“Perceptions of peace and safety in Yucatán are linked to its low incidence of crimes such as homicide, extortion and kidnapping. However, violence can take other forms which go ignored when Yucatecos become complacent,” said Ramírez Benítez.

Carlos Rosado van der Gracht
Carlos Rosado van der Gracht
Born in Mérida, Carlos Rosado van der Gracht is a Mexican/Canadian blogger, photographer and adventure expedition leader. He holds degrees in multimedia, philosophy, and translation from universities in Mexico, Canada and Norway.
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