Lighthearted Burger King commercial shot at the flooded Montejo underpass

Seeing the Montejo underpass flood again is irritating, but famous burger chain sees the beauty in Merida’s ersatz estuary.
A new Burger King commercial suggests that the “paso deprimido” is a suitable place for relaxing waterfront dining — with Whoppers and fries, of course. If you squint, the blue water that rose from the cenote below is kind of pretty.
Merida diver Rommel Pacheco, who is headed to the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, used his Photoshop skills to suggest he was there preparing for his next competition.
The spot follows a “flood” of memes making light of the drainage woes at the 10-year-old glorieta de la paz. Some of the social media photo illustrations exaggerate the situation by showing dolphins frolicking on the intersection of Circuito Colonias and Prolongación Montejo.
Before the underpass was built, the roundabout above it used to be nicknamed the “Burger King circle,” an allusion to the restaurant alongside it.
Grupo Nicxa’s video included the tagline, “no matter where you are, you are still the king.”
The first time the underpass flooded, this past June, social media commenters dared each other to take a dip. Just one person briefly showed up with an inflatable raft, local media reported.

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