Cooler weather is too cold for many locals

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Reporteros Hoy

After months of sweltering heat and humidity, temperatures have subsided, and evening temperatures are dipping into the high 60s F/low 20s C., which is the average low this time of year. Residents who grew up in colder climates are rejoicing at what seems to them to be moderate temperatures.

But in a region where citizens have acclimated to the heat, this is not just a time to bring out cold-weather clothing like scarves and fleece. It is a threat to public health, according to state authorities, who have announced a series of preventive actions and care recommendations.

What is considered cold? It's all relative.
What is considered cold? It’s all relative.

They are undertaking strategies such as staff training and intensified prevention campaigns, and checking the supply of medicines, vaccination against influenza and pneumonia, and coordination with civil protection systems at all three levels of government. The vaccination schedules are mainly aimed at children between the six months and five years old, adults over 60, health workers, pregnant women and immunosuppressed individuals

Meanwhile, there is a crew responsible for monitoring the “Extreme Temperature” program to prevent fatalities during the coldest months of the year; not only pneumonia, but deaths from faulty makeshift heaters or piles of burning wood inside or too close to the home.

Past efforts to keep citizens well included a sweeping blanket-collection drive.

According to Weather Spark, the warm season lasts from April 15 to June 9 with an average daily high temperature above 95°F. The hottest day of the year is May 7, with an average high of 98°F and low of 73°F.

The cold season lasts from Nov. 9 to Feb. 14 with an average daily high temperature below 87°F. The coldest day of the year is January 19, with an average low of 64°F and high of 85°F. The air is driest around April 29, at which time the relative humidity drops below a comfortable 38 percent three days out of four; it is most humid around Sept. 9, exceeding 99% three days out of four. In November, the temperature has never dipped below 50°F/10°C, according to NOAA. In December, the record low is 44.6°F/7°C.

Source: Press Release

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